Are you looking for

Long lasting solutions?
A cost effective separation?
Greater focus on the needs of your children?
To avoid Court?

I can help you achieve all this.

Clare Madeline Mediation offers a bespoke, confidential process for separation, individually tailored to the needs of you and your family.  Family disputes that are resolved through mediation are often cheaper, quicker and less emotionally fraught than those that are settled through the Courts.

Previously a family lawyer and Director of a local solicitors practice, I have over 25 years combined experience helping couples through the divorce process.  Having worked in the legal profession for so long and having seen the emotional damage which can be caused, I have chosen to focus my expertise in family mediation, a modern way of resolving family separation where you are in control of the outcome without using an outdated court process.  I am determined through my work to change the way we divorce or separate and to show you that, despite the trauma of family separation which impacts all of the family, there is a better way.

My mission is to guide you through the complicated issues and to find a lasting solution that works for you and your family.

Clare Madeline

Clare Madeline Mediation on X (Formerly Twitter)

🔥 WATCH this free webinar from #FamilyMediationWeek

🌟 The importance of child-inclusive mediation (for all professionals working with families)


📰 Cafcass has released the next version of its policy on domestic abuse practice.

🔴 This policy sets out practice requirements that support practitioners and managers to improve the effectiveness of their practice.

👉 👈

🆕 Thousands of children to be supported thanks to multi-million expansion of innovation in family courts

⭐ Includes details of @MoJGovUK announcement that the #familymediation voucher scheme is being extended to March 2026


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