4 years of Clare Madeline Mediation

I’m enormously proud to be celebrating 4 years of Clare Madeline Mediation.  Each work anniversary is a reminder of how privileged I am to be running a business which offers something different for couples who are seeking a bespoke, gentler and respectful separation.  Gentler never means without pain or difficulty as that cannot really be avoided but it does means it is possible to have a kinder experience of divorce or separation with an emotionally intelligent approach.  It is inherently possible with the right professional to achieve that and we must continue as a society to embrace healthier alternatives to divorce.  This remains my key vision as to why I set up this business and continue to work hard alongside my clients to help them achieve this.

It’s also a time of reflection and gratitude for me.  As many of you will know, I left my long standing career as a family lawyer and director of a local law firm when I found out, at a late age and unexpectedly that I was pregnant with my son.  This gave me the motivation to make a change to my life and take a chance on creating a business which better served my clients and my own need to be present in the life of my son.

I’ve also just revisited a book ‘Feel the Fear and do it anyway’ by Susan Jeffers. Many of the insights in this book resonate with me personally and professionally.  We all have fears and being able to manage any situation that we face is key to moving from a place of suffering to one of power, energy and love.   This belief that whatever happens ‘we can handle it all’ is key to freeing ourselves emotionally and practically from fears which can hold us back.  I too was paralysed, stuck in a career which wasn’t best serving me or my clients.  I gained the confidence to follow my belief that there is a better way and leave a long established career to set up this business dedicated to helping couples in the mediation process.  Thankfully I have not looked back.

For clients reading this I also found this quote from the book really powerful ‘the best way out is always through.’ I feel this is particularly relevant to my mediation clients who know the next stages ahead are going to be emotionally tough and could choose an alternative way through such as court or resorting to solicitors but they chose bravely to work alongside their emotions to find an outcome which could work for the family and for themselves individually.

Those who mediate decide to work through their grief and get to a place of peace and an outcome which enables them to live a life without conflict.  The journey through divorce and separation is not easy but getting through it in the best possible way with the right support is key to finding a healthier way forward.  One that does not cripple you emotionally and leave you bereft, stuck in conflict and unable to function fully.

I’ll be celebrating this anniversary with a week off to spend time with my family, to recharge and reconnect so that when I return to work I am in the best possible place, with renewed energy to help those who need my support.  But for now, family time and a rest before I start my fifth year of Clare Madeline Mediation. I’m really looking forward to what that brings.

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