Another welcome extension to the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme

I was so pleased to hear the announcement that Lord Ponsonby has confirmed that the MOJ Family Mediation Voucher Scheme will continue for at least another year, until March 2026.

This is great news for all family mediators offering the scheme, and the families and young people we work with.   I’ve offered the voucher scheme since it was first introduced and I have seen huge benefits to the voucher scheme.  I have worked with couples who could not previously have afforded to mediate, falling short of the threshold for legal aid.  I have been able to divert clients who were on a path towards court to finding a solution.  I have seen children to give them a dedicated space to talk about how the family separation has impacted them.  In short, I believe I have helped more clients than I would have done without the scheme.

The scheme is still only available for any children discussions and it does not cover the preparation of any paperwork, such as a parenting plan, or the initial meeting prior to mediation (known as the MIAM).  Once allocated, it provides a fund of £500 towards your joint mediation costs.  Depending on how you use it, this can cover a full mediation session or contributions towards several sessions.

If you would like to find out more about the availability of the vouchers, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

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